Resources + More

SWE -National SWE's website, post your resume, join/renew membership

AfterCollege - Job database for our SWE section, contiains jobs and internships, new postings regularly.

Mentornet - Sign up to get a mentor from industry, or academia in your field of interest. You carry out an email mentorship with them for 8 months. Great place to get advice and network

History of Women in Science - Highlights of important women of science through the years.

Non-Traditional Careers for Women - Learn what are traditional and non-traditional careers are for women, women in STEM careers, and more.

Women in STEM: A Guide to Bridging the Gender Gap -Learn more about notable women in STEM, the gender and diversity gaps in STEM fields and use these resources and suggestions to help promote inclusivity in STEM-related fields.


Campus Resources

MEP - Multicultural Engineering Program- For underrrepresented students in engineering; members get access to a private study room in Baskin, free tutoring, and scholarship opportunities

ACE - Academic Excellence Program- aimed at Science, Technology. Engineering , and Math (STEM) majors. Offers secondary sections for large math and science classes (Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, ETC.)